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Montreal SEO
Search Engine Optimization

Get organic traffic and start generating your very own leads

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Now that you have a beautiful website, it’s time to get eyes on it! Just sharing it with a handful of existing clients, a few contacts on Linked-in or Facebook, is not going to be enough.  Search Engine Optimization is the process of helping search engines find your website by tweaking your site, making sure it is running well, is properly labeled and easy to find. Most sites without any SEO are simply not Search Engine Friendly.  If you have not purposefully done any SEO or hired any help you then your site is definitely not optimized for search engines.


Dare to imagine what it would mean to your company’s success if your were in 1st position on page 1 of Google! Image having a steady stream of inbound calls or leads from people or businesses who found you rather than having to chase after them!

Hiring a professional Montreal SEO company could enable to you focus more on closing sales than hunting for new clients or always having to chase cold leads. 

We have a whole team of SEO experts that are available to help you start filling up your sales funnels. Through consistent effort and by employing a range of SEO techniques and strategies we are very confident that our Montreal SEO team can get you to show up on page 1 of Google on an ongoing basis.

We are very transparent about what we do, our goal is to educate you about SEO as we go forward and to show you what your competitors are or are not doing and what we would have to do to get ahead of them.

Measurable SEO results graph
SEO - is like a bear - you only have to be faster than your competitors


It’s quite easy to figure out if hiring an SEO company is worth it and how much to spend on search engine optimization. It is not only about getting to the top but consistently staying there! Once there, your gains and profits will clearly answer this question.

Figuring out your relative position in search engine results is important as this will determine the effort and investment required to achieve  results and get ahead of your competition. Like the old hunter’s expression goes: “You don’t have to outrun the bear – you only have to outrun your friends!” In this case Google is the bear and we just have to figure out how to out run your competitors.

Simply put, whatever your competitors are doing – just do more. Doing too much more all at once is not worth it – this is a case of steadily out doing your competitor’s always trying to stay a few steps ahead.


Doing more than your competitors also means working harder, smarter and even spending more! As mentioned SEO, is not magic but it is hard work and time consuming on our end as Search Engine Optimization specialists. If we could do it more easily and faster it would cost you less. There is simply no way around it SEO costs money, but in the end it is money well spent if your are getting more leads and closing more deals and see a measurable increase in sales! 

Having an effective SEO strategy in place and figuring the right SEO budget are key to your success. Spending too little won’t yield results and spending too much is throwing away good money. Balance is key. 

Another advantage of doing SEO is that it does not get turned off the minute you stop spending as is the case Google Adwords! Think of it in terms of working out in a gym, let’s get your website in shape! SEO will give your website a boost like steroids but without the side effects!

Montreal SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) made simple

SEO is not magic, it’s hard work and a steady series of deliberate actions that need to be taken in order the get results. Getting started in simple but not easy. Like any other venture in business it starts with a decision to take action. 



If you are not appearing in search engines results when looking up your your products or services it time to talk SEO



Together we’ll figure out where you stand in your industry’s competitive landscape and set out a plan that’s right for you



Getting more organic traffic will yield steady results and that you just can’t get by treading water with paid ads


(One-Time Fee)

Your new website is a work of art and you are very proud! Now it’s time to discuss SEO.  Looks great but if nobody sees it, what the point? Our Montreal SEO kickstart package will give your website a much needed shot in the arm and is a great way to expose you to Search Engine Optimization! This is your first step to getting your website to be a money generating machine, pay for itself and set you on the right track.

Basic seo plan $500 PER MONTH

(Requires a 3 Month Prepayment)

How much should you budget for SEO services? Let’s figure out the answers to your SEO questions together. Every website requires its own search engine optimization plan. How does your website rank compared to your competitors? Your current position and how fast you want to make rise are the top considerations for determining your SEO budget. We will create a custom SEO strategy based on your $500/month budget.


Search Engine Optimization questions we get all the time and our best answers.

What does SEO stand for?

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a series of techniques and strategies for getting unpaid or organic traffic to your website. Usually it is divided into 2 main categories; onpage and offpage. Onpage SEO refers to tweaking or optimizing the website itself with such things as URLs structure, internal linking, title tags, alt tags for images and the list goes on. Offpage SEO refers to backlinks, social media content, citations, press releases, guest blogging, videos and the list goes on..

How much does SEO cost?

It’s never the same for any two clients as every website finds itself in its own unique competitive arena. To answer this we must find out what your strongest competitors are doing and figure out where and how you want to rank among them.

How long does SEO take?

Pages will rank according to where they fall in the pecking order of the competitive landscape. 

Other factors can be the age of the website and where the site lies at the start of the race.

One thing for sure is that it doesn’t happen overnight and some keywords and or keyword phrases will rank quicker than others.

Plan on weeks to months before seeing bankable results.

What is the ROI on SEO?

This is hard to say in advance but one thing that is certain is that it goes up exponentially after a campaign has had time to kick and you no longer have to invest month after month.

Unlike adwords, whose effects disappear the instant you stop pumping in the money, SEO after effects last a longtime. Organic traffic is the best traffic one can ever ask for. Even the quality of the leads are better as your prospects are able to come to you as a result of thoughtful research on their part and not simply as a result of getting caught in Google’s adwords trap which casts a wider and less specifically targeted net.

Can you get my website to #1 on Google?

Short answer is YES, but we’d be lying if we guaranteed it or gave your any specific calendar date by which this could be achieved. All we can say for certain is that we will do our best to get you as highly ranked as possible and bring all of our past SEO experience to bat with us.

Will my results drop if I stop doing SEO?

SEO is kind of like exercising – if you have been training for a year or so and take some time off you will not lose your physique. But don’t forget, if your competition is still training they can take advantage of your time off to catch up to you or even get ahead. But don’t worry it is not like you can’t see it coming. You can always spy on your competitors’ “workouts”.

But there are situations where you may luck out and not need to train harder than your competition – if you see them creeping up – you just come back to us for a fine tuning or for some more break away training.

Just keep your eye on the ball and you will be OK!

Are our SEO services guaranteed?

The only guarantee in SEO is that there are no guarantees. Any SEO company who tells you otherwise is lying. 


You cannot become the heavy weight champion of the world without a trainer, without going to the gym and without studying your opponent.


Without SEO your website cannot compete and will have to take steroids aka Google Adwords. They cost a fortune, they are dangerous, and when you stop you lose everything.


Get in the game with one of our winning SEO packages and let’s find the winning search engine optimization strategy for you!

What forms of payments do you accept?

Upon the acceptance of a presented quote , we  accept Visa, MasterCard, Cheque, Certified Cheque, Cash or Money Transfer. 

Do you require a down payment or deposit?

Yes, for our basic SEO plan we require 3 months payment upfront to ensure that you are committed and that you give yourself a fighting chance.

For all other packages we begin with your first month SEO fee up front.  We do not require any contracts and go month to month. We are confident that our results will keep you coming back moth after month.

Let’s work together to get
maximum visibility for your site

We offer SEO service packages for any budget, it’s time to shine!

Let’s work together to
get maximum visibility
for your site

We offer SEO service packages for any budget, it’s time to shine!



Use the form below to tell us about your project needs. We can’t wait to hear from you and look forward to becoming part of your team and achieving the next level of success together!